A Modern Learning Environment Opens at St Anthony’s

He Atawhai – Kindness and Mercy

Our strengthened and completely refurbished senior school block – He Atawhai was opened by Cardinal John Dew on 6 December 2017, following our Thank You Liturgy.

He Atawhai is a wonderful modern learning environment with state of the art acoustic panelling, lighting, furniture and the flexibility to be configured in multiple different ways according to the teaching need.  It offers two large and light interconnected classrooms that can be fully opened to create a huge single space by simply sliding glass stacker doors. There is also a separate breakout room complete with smart TV, direct access outside from one classroom to a private courtyard, two wet areas and the largest amount of storage space and whiteboards ever seen by the Architect in a school! The classrooms are equipped with completely new Furnware furniture offering a range of ways for students to work – whether standing at high tables, creating work groups with low tables that can be jig-sawed together in many different ways, or sitting on lily-pads.

A new wooden cross has also been hung on the outside of the building as a koha from Carroll's Joinery and JWT Construction.  It signifies Kindness and Mercy and provides an outward sign of our Catholicity.

The Archdiocese of Wellington, Silverwood Architects, JWT Construction and Possenniskie Consultants Ltd worked seamlessly together to create this modern learning environment at St Anthony’s and it will provide many students with a supreme place to learn for many years to come.

The Name He Atawhai

The outstandingly large amount of money that has been invested in He Atawhai by the Archdiocese of Wellington is a true act of kindness. A true act of kindness comes with no strings attached, no instructions – just faith that the kindness will make things better.  There is no doubt that this stunning new space will make the educational lives of many children better. He Atawhai was gifted in kindness and we hope that it will be a place where kindness is practised every day.

If kindness can become the heartbeat of He Atawhai, then our hope is that Mercy will be its soul.  Mercy reflects our starting point as a school founded by the Sisters of Mercy.  Like kindness, Mercy is a no strings attached, faith-based gift.

So, the St Anthony’s Board of Trustees chose the name He Atawhai because this is the Maori noun for both Kindness and Mercy.

When we see the name He Atawhai on the plaque as we enter the building, we remember that:

·       Both Kindness and Mercy are gifts;

·       Both Kindness and Mercy turn hurt into hope;

·       Both Kindness and Mercy shift the focus from self to others.

Dear Lord, we are grateful and give thanks for the gift of kindness that is He Atawhai.  We ask that all who enter practice only kindness in return, and that they come to know the no-strings-attached gift of Mercy.  Amen


Notice of Board resolution to vary the number of parent representatives on the Board

The Board of St Anthony's gives notice that on the 30 November at their 7pm Board Meeting to be held in the school staff room, that a resolution to alter the St Anthony's constitution by reducing the number of elected parent representatives from 7-5 will be discussed, in accordance with Section 94B (4) of the Education Act 1989.  This resolution will amend an existing technical anomaly whereby our current constitution does not adequately reflect the requirements of Section 94A nor Section 100 of the Education Act 1989. Please be assured that no existing Board Trustee will lose their position as a result of this amendment, due to existing resignations giving effect to the required number.

As you are aware, all Board meetings are open to the public and a full schedule of those meetings is available in advance (giving at least a Term's notice), in the parent calendar accessed via our website and also linked to our fortnightly newsletter. In addition, Board agendas and minutes of all Board meetings are published. This final meeting of 2017 is no exception.

Staff Code of Conduct

Positive and professional behaviour is a critical part of the service we want to offer to our students and community here at St Anthony’s. Your Board really believes that the way we operate every day and the way we treat each other is a critical reflection of both our Catholicity and our commitment to each other and our children. So, we’ve spent a significant amount of time this year working together and with staff, NZEI and the Catholic Education Office to put together a Staff Code of Conduct for St Anthony’s.   

The Board is delighted with this Code of Conduct. It is a significant milestone for St Anthony’s - not only does it bring us into line with many other primary schools in NZ who already have a Staff Code of Conduct, we also believe it represents best practice in the education sector at this time.  Our Code of Conduct will come into effect immediately. All Staff obviously have a copy of this code as it forms part of their conditions of employment. If you would also like to take a look, please click the link below.

The Board is fully committed to reinforcing, upholding and acting on this Code. It is really important to us that you, our community, know that the full Board stands behind this Code and we will act decisively together to uphold any and every breach of its standards. 

But we’re not stopping there! We’re committed to further building a positive culture at St Anthony’s and so we’ve also commissioned a set of sessions for staff during Term 3 so they can take time to come together with a professional facilitator to go beyond this Code and work out how to be the best team possible, working fully together to the highest standards possible, for the benefit of each other and our students. 

During Term 3, the Board will also be working on developing ideas to reward innovation in teaching and learning to even further consolidate our focus on the positive - we’ll be back in touch on that. All of this should be seen in the context that at St Anthony’s we’re all learners for life. Life-long learning is relevant to us all and we are further encouraged by our Mercy Catholic heritage to take meaningful steps to put that philosophy into practice and lead our children by example.   

Yours sincerely, 

St Anthony’s Board of Trustees   

Annette Bridgman (Chair), Andrew Pink (Deputy Chair), Amber Proudfoot, Anne Dowden, George Bouras, Kate Riddell, Emma Blades, David Sullivan, Jennifer Ioannou and Sarah Macintosh