Our Approach to Learning and Teaching
Respectful Excelling Aware Learners
St Anthony's School is a PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) school which is a Ministry of Education initiative. Our school’s acronym is R.E.A.L which stands for Respectful Excelling Aware Learners.
Everyone at St Anthony’s School aims to be R.E.A.L every day! Our school’s R.E.A.L values are based on the gospel values that Jesus taught us. These values are respect for each other, excelling in our faith, aware of how we can help others and learning about our Catholic faith. Throughout each day in their learning and interactions with others, children earn R.E.A.L points. They are awarded for showing respect to adults and to each other, being aware of their goals and helping others, excelling in all areas of school life in and outside of the classroom, and being focused learners.
The Ministry of Education states PB4L initiatives as “helping parents, whānau, teachers, and schools address problem behaviour, improve children’s well-being, and increase educational achievement.”

Digital Technology
Each classroom has an Apple TV and all students can access devices (laptops, chrome books and iPads). The school has a Cyber Safety procedure within our Health and Safety Policy and all children and staff sign a Cybersafety Use Agreement each year. Parents and children are asked to sign the agreement when the children start at our school. Children will re-sign this agreement at the beginning of each year. With the consent of their parents, children may bring a device to school to use for learning purposes only. We recommend iPads for Years 1-4 and chrome books for Years 5-8.
Education Outside the Classroom
This is an important dimension which enhances our in-class programmes. Experiences outside the classrooms include such activities as a biennial Year 7-8 Camp, sporting and musical trips, local walks and visits, education programmes at Wellington museums such as Te Papa, art galleries, beach, zoo and farms. Wherever possible, all school excursions are directly related to current classrooms programmes and, as such, arranged visits are not optional for children. Usually, the children travel by bus on these trips.
Home Learning
The compulsory aspects of home learning are focused primarily on Literacy and Numeracy.
The literacy focus is generally reading and spelling. In the Junior Syndicate, students usually re-read materials covered at school. The Senior Syndicate students use a variety of reading resources including independent reading from Libraries, and may record these in a reading log. Most classes have weekly spelling lists and sometimes tasks to follow up.
The numeracy focus is around the learning of basic facts, times tables and the use of Mathletics.
Learn About Our Faith home learning relates to the strand or topic that is being covered at the time. You can support your child/ren in all aspects of their learning and faith by looking at the Faith Alive website for further information.
School Life
To find out more about day-to-day school life at St Anthony's, check out our School Life page.