Our School Board
A School Board is made up of three to seven parent elected trustees, the principal, one staff elected trustee and (in Catholic schools) up to four trustees appointed by the proprietor. A proprietor's representative is someone appointed by Cardinal John Dew to work on his behalf on the Board. Board elections are held every three years.
The School Board at St Anthony's School is committed to providing an excellent catholic education. Student achievement is our focus and our passion. The Board has very high expectations for all areas of the school and will always strive to do better and go further for the sake of our students at St Anthony's. The St Anthony's School Board is highly committed to school's Charter as well as the goals in the Strategic and Annual Plans.
What does being on the St Anthony’s School Board involve? Click HERE to find out!
Visit this link HERE to view our school policies and procedures.
2023 Annual Report including certified financial statements
If you would like to contact the St Anthony's School Board, please email: bot@stants.school.nz
Meet the St Anthony's School Board
Mark Mulhern, Chairperson, Proprietor’s Representative
I joined the Board in April 2018 as Proprietor's Representative. My wife Emma and I have three children attending St Anthony’s School. I have worked as a quantity surveyor for the last 20 years and currently work with a Wellington based building contractor. I look forward to supporting the school and its staff in providing the best possible environment to enable all students to fulfill their potential and to reinforce the Catholic ethos currently promoted at St Anthony’s.
Miriama Williams, Parent Representative
Our family has been part of the St Anthony’s community since our son, Joseph, started school in 2017. We value the school's focus on faith, community and education. I am interested in understanding what makes a quality primary education and how all those involved (students, teachers, parents, families, communities) play their role, integration of Catholic / Christian values in daily life, parenting with consciousness and spirit, nurturing children to become content, confident, competent and resilient individuals, and helping to make these primary school years a joyful and positive experience for students and their families.
Janine Smith, Parent Representative
Craig and I have three children (Cobie, Charlie and Paige) at St Anthony's School. The school showcases an excellent community of teachers and parents, supporting our children to love learning from an early age. My goal is to continue to support the school community to excel in providing an environment that promotes high quality learning, empowerment and empathy. I work in environmental policy in the public sector.
Oliver Meech, Proprietor’s Representative
I joined the Board in September 2021 as a Proprietor’s Representative. Simone (my wife) and I have two children at St Anthony’s, currently in Yrs 8 and 4 and our Year 10 daughter also attended. We chose St Anthony’s as we want Catholic/Christian values to be the foundation of our children’s education. What the school lacks in size it makes up for in vibrant spirit and as a family we very much enjoy our connections to the St Anthony’s School community. For myself, I am looking forward to contributing more in a new way on the school Board. I have a legal background, and having been a partner in private practice for some years. I currently work in the public sector.Note: Oliver is currently a working member of the Board as we await confirmation of his position from the Archdiocese.